How it works.

Learn how to accept direct investments from accredited and non-accredited investors or secure loans from our exclusive network of specialist debt partners in just a few simple steps.

Types of offerings on Invown.

Reg CF

Raise a maximum aggregate amount of $5 million from accredited and non-accredited investors in a 12-month period.

General Solicitation

Raise an unlimited amount of money from an unlimited number of accredited investors.

Private Placements

Raise an unlimited amount of money from an unlimited number of accredited investors and up to 35 non-accredited investors.

Invown is also able to assist with Regulation A (“Reg A”) offerings up to $75 million. Please contact us for more information on the relevant rules and processes.

GUIDANCE Reg CF 506(c) 506(b)
Offering Manner Marketing and solicitation permitted. Marketing and solicitation permitted. No marketing or solicitation permitted, except to known investors with whom the issuer has a substantial pre-existing relationship.
Issuer Eligibility US or foreign public or private companies. US or foreign public or private companies. US or foreign public or private companies.
Investor Eligibility Accredited and non-accredited investors. Accredited investors only. Accredited investors and up to 35 ‘sophisticated’ non-accredited investors with ‘sufficient knowledge and experience in financial and business matters to make them capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the prospective investment.’
Accreditation Verification Self-verification. Issuer (or appropriate third party) must verify. Self-verification.
Filings Required Form C must be filed with the SEC before the listing goes live. Form D must be filed with the SEC 15 days before the listing goes live. Form D must be filed with the SEC no later than 15 days after the first sale.
Minimum Listing Period 21 days. None. None.
Resale Restriction Securities generally cannot be resold for one year. Restricted securities. Restricted securities.
Blue Sky Laws Preempted. Notice required. Preempted. Notice required. Preempted. Notice may be required.
Investment Amount Limitation None for accredited investors. Limits for non-accredited investors apply (see FAQs below). None. None.
Types of Security No limitations. No limitations. No limitations.
Disclosures Required Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) or equivalent. Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) or equivalent. Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) or equivalent (not required if all investors are accredited).
Financial Statements Required. Not required. Required (not required if all investors are accredited).
SEC Review Completed by Invown. None. None.
Intermediary Use Required. Optional. Optional.
”Bad Actor” Rules Applicable. Issuer must take “reasonable care” to exclude Bad Actors. Applicable. Issuer must take “reasonable care” to exclude Bad Actors. Applicable. Issuer must take “reasonable care” to exclude Bad Actors.


days to prepare an offering


day minimum listing period


days to release funds


c. 30 days

Registration and deal review

Getting started couldn’t be simpler. Once you have signed up for a new account, you can start the process to get equity or debt financing. Our intuitive onboarding flow will guide you through what information and documentation you need to provide at each stage.

Upon receiving your proposed listing, we will begin our SEC-mandated review of the offering materials, conduct background checks, and set up the required escrow accounts.

  • Download our template legal documentation or have everything customized to meet the exact needs of your project (using your own attorney or ours).

  • Prepare all listing materials, including the LLC agreement, private placement memorandum, and Form C/Form D depending on the type of fundraising you wish to do.

  • Have all the financial provisions set up on your behalf with our specialist third-party escrow and payments processing providers.


Min 21 days (Reg CF)

Marketing and investor invitations

When your listing goes live, you can legally market your offering to prospective investors (through social media, webinars, public speaking, email campaigns, paid advertising, etc.) or invite your existing investor base, or both! You can also negotiate loans with our specialist debt providers. 506(b) offerings are not allowed to market publicly, but investors may still be invited to the platform.

You can choose to keep your listing open for a set period of time (e.g. three months) or simply close it when the minimum or target amounts are reached. If you are raising through Reg CF, your listing must remain open for a minimum of 21 days.

Throughout the raise, you can monitor investor interest and activity on your listing from your own issuer analytics dashboard and seamlessly communicate with prospective and current investors through secure built-in messaging.

Go Live.
Do Marketing.
Raise Capital.


c. 3 days

Final checks and release of funds

Once you have closed your raise, Invown must ensure that the funds will be used in accordance with the terms set forth in the offering materials. Typically, this involves us reviewing additional documentation (e.g. closing documentation if the funds are to be used for a property purchase) and verifying the stated use of funds with relevant third parties (attorneys, lenders, agents, etc.).

Thereafter, we direct the release of funds to the relevant person (issuer, closing agent, attorney, etc.) from our escrow provider and provide a comprehensive data export of all investor information (for you to upload to your investor relations software, for example).

Raise the capital you need.

Invown’s team of experts will guide you through every step of the offering process to ensure a compliant and hassle-free raise.

Frequently asked questions.

There’s a lot to understand in any securities offering. Read answers to common questions below or email us at info@

Investor verification rules vary depending on the type of offering. In a 506(b) offering, an issuer may take the word of an investor that he, she, they, or it (in the case of an organization) is/are accredited, unless the issuer has reason to suspect that the investor is not being truthful. In a 506(c) offering, the issuer must take reasonable steps to verify that the investor is accredited. Such reasonable steps may include reviewing tax documents or brokerage statements, or obtaining a certification letter from the investor’s lawyer, accountant, or broker. Issuers may outsource this verification to a third-party provider, and in almost all cases this is recommended. Any issuer raising on Invown benefits from in-built third-party verification of each investor.

The investment limit for non-accredited investors in Reg CF offerings depends on the investor’s income and net worth. If either the investor’s annual income or net worth is less than $124,000, then during any 12-month period, they can invest up to the greater of either $2,500 or 5% of the greater of their annual income or net worth. If both their annual income and their net worth are equal to or more than $124,000, then during any 12-month period, they can invest up to 10% of their annual income or net worth, whichever is greater, but not an amount that exceeds $124,000.

If you are an investor, you can view more information about our offerings on our dedicated Investor Education pages.